Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones
Erdal Inci

Friday, September 16, 2016

Do You Ever Feel Like a Plastic Bag?

     It took 22 different animators to finish. Each one had to animate it to a man on his last legs trying to sing to Katy Perry. Why, it's none other than JonTron's "Firework" animated cover! 
     Even if you are not a fan of JonTron or do not know who he is, you have to admit there was a lot of love put into each part from the animators. For those who are unaware, JonTron is a guy who reviews videos games and movies on YouTube with a comedic spin. The idea for this video was created from one of his earlier game reviews, "Dinocity", where he did a small cover of this song at the end of that video and his fanbase called out for the full version. As a result, he stated that if he reached his goal for a charity livestream for "Teach for America" that he did a while ago, he would sing it. And sing it he did. With the help of an animator, Mike Bedsole, they were able to reach out to other fellow artists to make their own animations for the video.

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