Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones
Erdal Inci

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


     Following your dreams is always possible. However, it seems hard to do that when all you're surrounded with is just negative thoughts. In Hannah Spangler's film, a girl struggles through her day with depression and anxiety. The animation really made an impact on the mood of the film, as well as the colors. As we saw the dwindling progression of this girl's self-esteem, it brought more and more feelings of sympathy. While this was a personal project, this could also help others as well. For those who feel as if they are never good enough, for those who feel that they will be forgotten, for those who feel there is no one there for them, this film is for you. I am no professional, but as cliché and naive as this sounds, things do eventually get better. As long as you are trying to work towards a better you, you are working towards a better future. Depression is a serious issue, and many do suffer from these thoughts, even if they do not show it on the outside. Below is the film.

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