Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones
Erdal Inci

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day and The Nature of War

     Veteran's Day is something worth for every soldier sent into war. While today is to honor their efforts in war, we should honor their efforts in peace as well. 
     Justin Cliburn was deployed in Baghdad in 2005 as a humvee gunner who was able to connect with two Iraqi children, Ahmed and Ali, despite the language barrier. StoryCorps allowed Cliburn's story to be told through a short animation. At this time of his life, Cliburn had not established any deep relationships with anyone. However, that soon changed when Ali and Ahmed came into his life. They bonded and soon became best friends. Things went fine until one fateful day Ahmed and his mother were killed by a suicide bomber at a gas station. When he returned home, Cliburn had recurring nightmares about Iraq and the two boys. Fortunately though with proper treatment and his wife, he was able to overcome these fears. These veterans not only go into the fields to help fight for the freedom of our country and others, but they create lasting relationships that remain with them when they come back. Below is the animation and a link to an article Justin Cliburn wrote going more into detail.

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